Confident, Not Cocky

           When I think about the person I choose to be, one of the characteristics is always, "Confident, not cocky." As a response, someone once asked me, "What's the difference?" It made me pause. At the time I really couldn't answer that question. Where is the line between confidence and cockiness. Is there even a line or is it a matter of perspective? After giving it some thought this is my personal conclusion of what sets confidence apart form cockiness: humility.
           In modern society, we often use humility to paint a picture of people behind the scenes or even under the popularity radar. That is the opposite of what we visualize confidence as. If that is the case, how is humility the key to being confident, not cocky? The image of humility I have is Jesus Christ. He is the epitome of humility, yet not once did He shy away from who He is. He boldly declared Himself the Son of God. Jesus Christ was confident in His purpose and identity. Such is the confidence I desire to be.
           Another example of confidence is my favorite quote: "A lion doesn't go around announcing he is a lion, he just is." A lion doesn't go around proving to others he is, in fact, a lion. He simply is a lion. He lives each and every day as a lion with no care what others think or say he is. Such is the confidence I desire to be.

"Besides which, you see, I have confidence in me!"
~I Have Confidence (Sound of Music)
