Living the Dream

To live your dream, you can change your dream or your life

One of my favorite things about life is that there are always choices. The diversity life has to offer allows us to have options. It's such a beautiful thing. However, there are times where it can be very daunting, especially if you are anything like I used to be. I was always afraid of decisions because I didn't want to make the wrong one. I don't believe I was scared of failing as much as I felt like I couldn't afford to fail. I didn't have a soft place to land if I did. I had to get it right from the get go.

Years of deciding based off survival and success left me drained and unfulfilled. Thinking what is the point of day to day. It all felt so worthless. I didn't want to view my one and only life as pointless, so I created a motto for myself. I decided I was going to create the change. Pretty much my version of Gandhi's, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Creating and being the change can be overwhelming. To help, I broke it down from "Create the Change" to "Change is one choice away." Honestly, all I have to do is make a different decision than before. What is the famous definition of insanity? Doing the same things expecting different results.

The next step was to identify which choices I needed to stop making and the ones I needed to start making. This required direction and vision. I started with letting myself dream. I know, it is a dying art, right next to having fun. We tend to give up our ability to dream in the name of being realistic; yet forget our very world was built on dreams. Inventions are just dreams that took form. It is easy to change our dreams to match our reality of life. Harder is the road to change our life to align the reality of our dreams. 

Dream big, dream real, and create the change to live your dream.
