Faulty Fate

    I don't believe in fate and destiny as a matter of coincidence. A lot of people disconnect the small miracles and tender mercies from heaven. They write it off as just a mere coincidence, an alignment of stars. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as luck and coincidences especially on matters that are of powerful consequence. There is hard work (constant preparation) and inspiration that guide events taking place at the right place and the needed moment. A single decision can have a strong impact of not just one life but many. Someone saying just the right thing that made another change their life for the better. A person takes the bus when they normally don't, weather conditions or other situations lead them to, and starts a conversation with someone quietly crying out for help or simply a listening ear. Even simpler, on a really rough day I saw a hummingbird really close and a bumblebee (my favorite insect tied with dragonflies) and it is unlikely (or at least it hasn't happened before or since). It made my day. Coincidence? I believe not.
