*Dignify-verb: make (something) seem worthy and impressive.
Our bodies are meant to be treasures, not tools. We are given them as a precious gift and responsibility. God entrusted us with stewardship over all His creations. We are one of His creations. We need to treat with respect the beauty Heavenly Father has given all of us. It is not to show off to everyone what we have going for us in worldly views. Our bodies are meant to be kept sacred.
Beauty that is only skin deep is always changing. Clear complexion today, replaced with spots that seem to form overnight. (If I had a band, I would name it Zits for I would want my music to teach people to be okay with what is natural.) As we age and our bodies remind us of our mortality, wrinkles appear and hair change. Today people try to escape reality and create a fantasy by dying their hair and removing wrinkles. As my mom always tells me, "I've earned every single silver thread of hair." I want to live my life is a way that I can claim wrinkles to be laugh lines and grey strands to be silver linings.
"Immodesty catches the eye. Modesty catches the heart." When you find the one for you, I hope you hold his/her heart and not just his/her hand. Things of eternal value are the only things that last. Remember, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." ~Proverbs 31:10.
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